Tanya Lang bio


All people want to belong. To form lasting relationships, have meaningful interactions. To be one part of a bigger, more valuable whole.

Community is one of the most powerful tools at the hands of any marketer.

Because, when brands start to connect with their customers in a space that they feel is their own, the opportunities are limitless.

this is what drives Flaira forward.

-tanya | founder at Flaira | fmr. head of marketing at Product Marketing Alliance

what Flaira does

Community building

community building

Community management

community managment

Community strategy

community strategy

Event marketing

event marketing

Email marketing

email marketing

Content marketing

content marketing

make the connection

Community-led marketing sees communication flow from brand-to-member, member-to-brand, but most importantly


develop a community marketing strategy and ignite your:

           BRAND awareness
          & LOYALTY                

          understanding of
         KEY customers   

         CUSTOMER advocacy,
       retention, & CLTV   

         Product positioning 
       & messaging    


where I earned my stripes

Product Marketing Alliance logo

I led the marketing team for the Product Marketing Alliance,
building out the #1 global PMM community:

* 20k engaged community members
* the most popular product marketing Slack group
* best-selling PMM certification courses
* industry-defining reports
* the leading product marketing blog
* the most popular product marketing events
* revenue-driving membership packages
* a truly dedicated ‘tribe‘ of customer advocates

Product Led Alliance logoSales Enablement Collective logo
where else you’ll have seen me:

get in touch

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